“Soul&Fish”, soul and fish. No difference at all, man is what he eats. Make yourself comfortable, breathe in the sea breeze, clean your lungs from stress, we’ll take care of the rest.
But who are we?
No pluralis maiestatis is involved, we are six hot heads and just one beating heart. We were born in 2014, united by the same passions: young people linked to tradition but projected to the future. We are the third generation, united by a family bond which is our strength. Out the respect for tradition, combined with innovation, we’ve created our constant. Now that you know who we are, trust the instinct that has brought you here and let your senses have fun with us.

Take a nativity inlet, the colors of fishing boats lying on the water, sleeping by day and by night, the hills that boomerang in the rays of the sun.

What is wine? Patience, care, dedication. The same things that we dedicate to our customers. The result of study, research and travel of our Sommelier have led, over the years, to the creation of a cellar and then to the drafting of a list of wine and wishes: wishes we can always make true.

The planks of the terrace are our metaphor. Many pieces but a single and indissoluble supporting structure. Our terrace welcomes you from early morning, when the sun is still warm.
It’s about 9 o’clock a.m., the sun is already hot and it rises on our little corner of quiet. A small basin, volcanic sand, where serene mothers let their children play and the local elders are regenerate themselves with cold water in the morning.