What is wine? Patience, care, dedication. The same things that we dedicate to our customers. The result of study, research and travel of our Sommelier have led, over the years, to the creation of a cellar and then to the drafting of a list of wine and wishes: wishes we can always make true.
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy wine. And, for us, it’s the same thing!
So even before you sit down there is already a bubble waiting for you at the table. From France to the great classics of Italy, we have gone as far as the refinements in the depths.
A wide range of whites, to respect the tradition of our Campania Felix. But it is not enough. We traced the entire peninsula, from the structured wines of Trentino Alto-Adige up to the mineralogy of Sicily.

The rules
Rules don’t exist, but the palates and their pleasure do, so we could not miss the black berry, with particular attention to the great reds of the Italian tradition. A meal is not such if it doesn’t have the right accompaniment. Our Sommelier will be your Cicero.

Write us for more info or to book your table!